What to Expect for a Citizenship Interview?

Before your Australian citizenship application can be granted, there is a step you have to complete before the Department of Home Affairs (DoHA) decides. That is for the applicant to complete a citizenship test and a citizenship interview. The interview is designed to assess the applicant’s understanding of Australian society, the responsibilities and benefits of being an Australian citizen, and to verify that you meet the necessary requirements. 

What is the Citizenship Interview? 

The citizenship interview is a formal meeting between you and a representative from DoHA. Its primary purpose is to evaluate your citizenship application, confirm your identity, and ensure that you understand Australia well.

Who Must Attend the Citizenship Interview? 

Typically, all citizenship applicants are required to attend the citizenship interview, including those applying for citizenship by conferral. Individuals who were exempted from the citizenship test: 

  • If the applicant is under 18 years old, a parent or guardian may accompany you to the interview.  

  • If the applicant is 60 years old and above or an individual with impairment, they may be required to show that they understand the nature of your application. A family member or other person can attend your appointment with you.

  • Individuals with permanent incapacity may require providing documents to verify your claim. A family member or other person can attend your appointment with you. 


What to Expect During the Citizenship Interview? 

During the citizenship interview, you will be asked several questions about your application and your knowledge of Australia. 

  • Provide identification documents to confirm your identity and background information, such as: 

    • An Australian driver licence 

    • Passport 

    • An Australian issued proof of age card 

  • The interviewer may ask questions about the information you have provided in your application.  

  • You may also be asked about your understanding of Australian values, history, and culture

  • Additionally, on your ability to communicate effectively in English may also be evaluated during the interview. 


How Can Agape Henry Crux Help You?

The citizenship interview can be stressful, but investing some time to prepare and understand what to expect can improve your chances of a successful outcome. If you have further questions regarding citizenship, book a time with an immigration lawyer for professional advice. At Agape Henry Crux, our team of immigration lawyers and registered migration agents (RMA) work with our Accredited Specialist(s) in Immigration Law to handle highly complex matters. You can book a Migration Planning Session with our team by calling 02-8310-5230 or emailing us to book a time at info@ahclawyers.com.

We speak fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese. If these aren’t your language, we can also help you arrange an interpreter.

This article/presentation (“publication”) does not deal extensively with important topics or changes in law and is not intended to be relied upon as a substitute for legal or other advice that may be relevant to the reader's specific circumstances. If you find this publication of interest and would like to know more or wish to obtain legal advice relevant to your circumstances, please contact our office.

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