New Australian Visa and Priority Arrangements for Hong Kong Nationals Prime Minister announced several important announcements regarding new arrangements (especially priority processing) for Hong Kong nationals.[Time to read: 3 mins] Read More Adele, Hong Kong, Immigration Law Updates, Migration UpdatesAdele Wan9 July 2020new law in Hong Kong, hong, Options for Hong Kong Nationals in Australia, HK, HK people migrate to Australia, migrate to Australia from HK, Options for HK people
Australian government plans to offer solutions to Hong Kong residents Australia is set to offer safe haven visas to Hong Kong residents who wish to leave the country in the midst of protests and arrests.[Time to read: 1 min] Read More Migration Updates, kokoGuest User7 July 2020new law in Hong Kong, Options for Hong Kong Nationals, Options for Hong Kong Nationals in Australia
Deregulation: Approval of Migration Amendment (Regulation of Migration Agents) Bill 2019 Deregulation: Approval of Migration Amendment (Regulation of Migration Agents) Bill 2019[Time to read: 3 mins] Read More Migration Updates, Migration AgentAdele Wan18 June 2020Approval of Migration Amendment, deregulation, immigration lawyer, migration agent, RMA, immigration agent Australia, registered migration agent, RMA in Australia
Occupation list due to change March 2020 Occupation list due to change March 2020[Time to read: 2 mins] Read More Migration UpdatesJason Ling26 February 2020skilled occupations, migration skilled occupations, skilled migration occupation list, occupation list, skilled occupation list changes