What Are the Differences between Health Insurances - OVHC and OSHC?

Many individuals may be confused by the type of health insurance required for temporary visas and a student visa (Subclass 500), as they may seem similar, but their requirements are different. Hence, knowing the differences between Overseas Visitor Health Cover (OVHC) and Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is important. 

Why Do You Need Health Insurance for Visas? 

Health insurance is a requirement for most temporary visa holders. Since most of these individuals do not have access to the Medicare benefits, hence it is more critical to purchase the correct health cover to avoid unexpected health costs. Visa holders are responsible for any health debts incurred while in Australia. 


When is Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Applicable? 

Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) is a mandatory requirement for applicants holding a Student Visa (Subclass 500). It covers medical services for the duration of the visa applicant’s studies in Australia, ensuring that they have access to necessary health care. 

  • OSHC covers for primary applicant and any approved secondary applicant(s).  

  • OSHC is available for individuals holding a student visa (Subclass 500) or previously held a student visa (Subclass 500) and currently on a bridging visa. 


When is Overseas Visitor Health Cover (OVHC) Applicable? 

The Overseas Visitor Health Cover (OVHC) is designed for international visitors who are not on a Subclass 500 student visa.  

  • For individuals who are applying for a visitor, working, or other temporary visas, OVHC will be the right health insurance to apply for. 

  • If visas do not require meeting condition 8501 (which requires visa holders to maintain adequate health insurance), OVHC can still be the right choice to access health care.

Related: Can Medicare Replace Health Insurance for Eligible Visa Applicants Under Condition 8501? 

How Can Agape Henry Crux Help You?

Meeting visa conditions can be confusing, since breaching a visa condition may lead to a visa cancellation. Clarify any questions by booking a time with an immigration lawyer for professional advice at Agape Henry Crux. Our team of immigration lawyers and registered migration agents (RMA) work with our Accredited Specialist(s) in Immigration Law to handle highly complex matters. You can book a Migration Planning Session with our team by calling 02-8310-5230 or emailing us to book a time at info@ahclawyers.com.

We speak fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese. If these aren’t your language, we can also help you arrange an interpreter.

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